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Unit of Measure


Temperature Range

N/A -20 to 210 ºF-29 to 99 ºC

Maximum Working Pressure

N/A 200 psi300.0 psi

Tube Construction

N/A Nitrile Synthetic Rubber, ARPM Class A (High Oil Resistance)

Cover Construction

N/A Red, blue or black Chemivic™ synthetic rubber, ARPM Class A (High Oil Resistance)


N/A Example: Variflex® Non-conductive 1/2" (12 .7 mm) 200 psi WP Made in USA Continental ContiTech


N/A Coupled assemblies available.


N/A Spiral synthetic yarn (3/16"-1 1/2"), braided synthetic yarn (2")



N/A 90% one-piece reels up to 1"
3/16"-3/4" - 500' reels, maximum 3 pieces, 50' increments
1" - 450' reels, maximum 3 pieces, 50' increments
1 1/4" - 400' reels, maximum 3 pieces, 50' increments
1 1/2" - 300' reels, maximum 3 pieces, 50' increments
Coupled assemblies available in 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" in red .



N/A A good-quality, economical general purpose hose for industrial air service, compressor lines, pneumatic tools, low-pressure spray and many other applications where the need for oil resistance is moderate . Non-conductive, minimum electrical resistance greater than 1 megohm per inch of length of hose at 1000 volts DC